Thursday, November 09, 2006

So long, farewell, come back soon!!

So recently a good friend finished his four year stint in the Marines. We were all excited for him but at the same time very saddened. Kurt is originally from Green Bay, Wisconsin which is over 900 miles from Washington, DC. He has garnered many close friends here and we are very sad to see him leave. He's probably one of the few people I know who had not one but multiple good-bye parties. We will miss him greatly here in DC and will pray for him to return home to us all soon.


Elizabeth said...

i miss all my girl friends sooooo much. all the girls i know here are pregnant...and since i work full-time, i don't get the time of to speak. i'm not lonely with luke...and yet, terribly lonely because i have NOT ONE girl to hang out with like i did in college...and it's getting old. i wish you'd move to iowa!!!!!!

Shrig said...

its hard to watch friends go...i had to watch two of mine move this summer (one to Illinois and the other to Germany) and it rather sucks.

anyway, i miss you too. we'll have to get together before you leave for scotland.