Sunday, August 31, 2008

wow twice in one week

I may be on a roll folks!!!

It is Labor day weekend and I have been working on a ton of stuff.  I spent all day Saturday chillin around the house and watching a Katherine Hepburn marathon on TV.   Sunday I spent the day cleaning the kitchen, doing my laundry and cleaning and rearranging my bedroom.  I also worked a couple of hours at Ebz.  My room looks more open and clean now that I have moved some stuff into the spare bedroom.  I was able to move my desk over next to the window that gets the most sunlight and the bed now has my fall/winter bedspread on it.  Tomorrow I will probably spend the day working on some jewelry, shopping at Target and dinner with friends.  

I really do love these long weekends.  I get so much done and it is much more relaxing than a two day weekend.   I wrote three letters and finished one of two lanyards for a friend at work.  I picked my crocheting back up and am working on making some cool notecards.  I finally downloaded all my pictures and am working on uploading all the pictures of the jewelry I made to my jewelry blog and the etsy site to attempt to sell some.  I spent all day today listening to music instead of watching tv and I must say I LOVE MUSIC.  

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So it's OBVIOUSLY been quite a long time since I last posted.  

Lets see... I've done a lot of traveling this summer.  Some beautiful weddings and some first time visits to places.  Watched Dark Knight four times, watched Michael Phelps become the worlds #1 athlete, and the US dominate the Medal Count in Beijing.  Finished grad school in May, increased production in my jewelry line and kept extremely busy at work.  Really really busy.

Let's see, with traveling I've added San Jose, San Francisco, and Monterey, California to my map of places visited, Key West, Florida and Connecticut.  I've been to Iowa, Missouri, Ohio, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, California and Florida.  I am pretty exhausted and looking forward to a weekend or two of relaxing at some point in time.  

Favorite weekends had to be going to California, visiting Beth in Iowa (cutest pregnant woman I have ever seen!), and the Highland games coming up next weekend with dad.  

Now for real I will try to keep this updated more often.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Full MOON?!?!?!?!?!?!

Okay so last week felt like it was nothing but a full moon and nothing could go right.

Things were ridiculous at work with me still learning things and also trying to get things done correctly, which I couldn’t seem to do. We finally got her taken care of by 1700 on Friday the 29th but it was very very last minute and I don’t like things being that last minute. The whole week was draining as I was at work between 0730 and 0800 every morning and not getting out of work before 1800 each night. By the time I would get home around 1845 and 1930 all I wanted to do was eat and go to bed. Now don’t get me wrong, I STILL LOVE MY JOB!!!! I love being busy as opposed to my old job. I just need to figure out how to balance the stress so that I don’t continually break out the way I did this week and get myself into a rhythm for sleeping.

Then came the weekend……

Friday night was the church Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. I attended but didn’t stay too long as I was utterly exhausted. I was almost asleep later that night when I got a call from my “little bro” Dan. His Mum and my friend had almost passed out while driving them home from the dinner. She was taken to the hospital and sent home later that night. It was all really crazy though because I couldn’t get down there to help and I felt so bad that Dan was all by himself until his aunt and uncle could arrive. Then Saturday morning on my way up to visit a friend in Bel Air, MD I got a message from my father saying that MY MUM was in the hospital. She had fallen at work and been knocked out. They had taken her to the local community hospital and done a CAT scan. They weren’t satisfied with the results and because they didn’t have a neurologist on call for the weekend then sent her to Danville. At Danville they found slight hemorrhaging on the brain and decided to keep her overnight for review. They finally released her Sunday afternoon and sent her home with instructions to not drive or work for a week.

I am utterly drained physically, emotionally and spiritually right now and can’t think about anything. ARRRRGGGGHHHHH Prayers are much appreciated by any and all who read this.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's been awhile

Wow, I obviously am not staying on top of this very well. Lets see what have I been up to since New Year's?

Well I have been at my job for almost three months and I still love it!! I am getting some really great experience and opportunities. I don't know if I can express just how much I really love my job.

Let's see, what else? I have been keeping busy with school and recently I went through an abcessed tooth and root canal. NOT FUN!!! Discovered I really don't like the company that I am employed through, though I love my job. I pampered myself at a spa with a massage, pedicure and really expensive hair cut that didn't turn out the way I wanted. Been up to see my little nephews twice. Started to set life goals and am working on a piece of jewelry for a friends wedding this summer. Found out another good friend is making me an Aunt, which I can't wait for!!! I am taking swing dancing lessons, finishing up my last two classes for my MBA and cooking a lot more.

Otherwise can't think of much else to write here, but I just wanted to update what has been happening.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Out with the Old and in with the NEW

Well it is officially the start of a new year and I have yet to finish recapping the old year.

The rest of November...was basically boring with a great trip to NC thrown in to visit my sis for Thanksgiving. My Mum flew down Monday before Thanksgiving and I surprised my sister and drove in late Tuesday night and stayed until Sunday. We went all out and cooked a turkey and all the fixin's. We had a couple of guests over and chilled. Janis and then went to the beach for a couple of hours. It was a good time but then it was back to the grind in DC.

Once back in DC it was time to break out the Christmas decorations. It was pretty nice this year, we had painted, added our copper accents, and rearranged the furinture.

Then I got the wonderful opportunity to attend the National Christmas Tree lighting. It was okay but kinda cheesy. However the friends I went to see it with was time well spent. We froze our butts off and then hit up the local Capital City Brewery for dinner. It was wonderful!!! (I'll even post a pic of how close I got to the Pres. I didn't say it was actually close though :-/)

Then we closed the semester from small group with a small Christmas party. Good times with Good Friends.

Then it was Christmas time with both my immediate family and my best friend family.

Okay New Year's later plus new goals for the new year!