Monday, March 03, 2008

Full MOON?!?!?!?!?!?!

Okay so last week felt like it was nothing but a full moon and nothing could go right.

Things were ridiculous at work with me still learning things and also trying to get things done correctly, which I couldn’t seem to do. We finally got her taken care of by 1700 on Friday the 29th but it was very very last minute and I don’t like things being that last minute. The whole week was draining as I was at work between 0730 and 0800 every morning and not getting out of work before 1800 each night. By the time I would get home around 1845 and 1930 all I wanted to do was eat and go to bed. Now don’t get me wrong, I STILL LOVE MY JOB!!!! I love being busy as opposed to my old job. I just need to figure out how to balance the stress so that I don’t continually break out the way I did this week and get myself into a rhythm for sleeping.

Then came the weekend……

Friday night was the church Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. I attended but didn’t stay too long as I was utterly exhausted. I was almost asleep later that night when I got a call from my “little bro” Dan. His Mum and my friend had almost passed out while driving them home from the dinner. She was taken to the hospital and sent home later that night. It was all really crazy though because I couldn’t get down there to help and I felt so bad that Dan was all by himself until his aunt and uncle could arrive. Then Saturday morning on my way up to visit a friend in Bel Air, MD I got a message from my father saying that MY MUM was in the hospital. She had fallen at work and been knocked out. They had taken her to the local community hospital and done a CAT scan. They weren’t satisfied with the results and because they didn’t have a neurologist on call for the weekend then sent her to Danville. At Danville they found slight hemorrhaging on the brain and decided to keep her overnight for review. They finally released her Sunday afternoon and sent her home with instructions to not drive or work for a week.

I am utterly drained physically, emotionally and spiritually right now and can’t think about anything. ARRRRGGGGHHHHH Prayers are much appreciated by any and all who read this.


Elizabeth said...

I'm praying for you right this very minute.

Shrig said...

It's not a full moon, sometimes life takes these turns. The best thing to do is hold on tight and learn (if anything) the best way you can.

Still planning on stopping by and seeing your mom this week.

Take care baby. There are better days around the corner.

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A. Hartman Adams said...

Hello JoyAnna,
I stumbled across your blog on my lunch hour, and I just wanted to say that I love your title/description. My father-in-law lives in Glasgow, my mother's family is the Douglases (black, not red), and my husband and I are involved in an ongoing plot to get back to Scotland as often as possible.

I haven't really had a chance to look around much, but your full moon reference made me smile (hence my commenting on this post). The full moon works strange things on me too, so it's nice to see there's someone else who's life goes haywire at those times (so sorry for all your ups-and-downs, of course).

Take care!