Monday, July 30, 2007

J's Jewelry Designs

So I have finally begun to create pieces of jewelry that I am actually putting out there for the world to see. I have been making jewelry for friends and family for years as gifts but now I have been encouraged by a good friend to set-up shop and offer my pieces to the "world". I create made-to-order jewelry, you tell me a little about yourself (the colors you like, your personality) and a little of what you are looking for. I draw up a design and create a unique piece of jewelry to fit you and your personality. I also make copies of certain pieces I have made in desired colors. I love doing this. I would love if someday this became my full-time job. (One can only dream right)

Here are a couple of my most recent pieces.

Cherry Pop Bracelets (set of three)

Cool Breeze

Lime Lolly Necklace

(there is a set of earrings as well just no photo at the moment)

Orange Sherbert

Orange Sherbert2

Linkin Gems

Peridot Heaven

Red Rhapsody

Red Rhapsody2

Red Rhapsody3

Silver Lining

Silver Lining2


Friday, July 20, 2007

Transformers and Harry Potter

I LOVED TRANSFORMERS!!!!!!!!!!!! I have seen numerous movies where you know there is going to be CGI and unfortunately you can see it but not with Transformers! I grew up with these guys as toys as a child but never watched the cartoon. So the movie was great on two levels for me. First it was like seeing something for the very first time that didn't have a book or previous show to it (at least that I actually saw) and the CGI was AMAZING. It was so well done that you could almost believe that the Autobots really changed from cars to robots and back. The interaction with humans was quite real as well. I have to say this is the first movie since I was a youngster that I would pay to go see it in the theatre again.

Now as for HP and the O of the P, well that's another story. I didn't go into the movie with any pre-thoughts though some friends said it was great and others said it was disappointing. I sat and I watched and I generally enjoyed but over all I was disappointed. About the only thing I definitely enjoyed where the action scenes. I don't really know what else to say. I thought they could have done a much better job.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out RIGHT NOW. As I am staring at my computer it changes from 2359 to 0000!! MIDNIGHT!!! HP is officially on sale and my copy will be in my hands at some point in time tomorrow when UPS delivers it!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! I am so excited and kinda worried at the same time. I know someone has to die and that this is the end but I am worried about who it will be. I'll let you know what I thought of the book in about a month when everyone has had a chance to read it. I don't want to be held responsible for someone googling it and getting my site and having the book spoiled for them.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My new life verse!

With everything that God has been teaching me lately and impressing upon my heart I discovered a new life verse. As many of you know I have finally decided to let go and obey God and stop making excuses. I am headed to Scotland next year to start my new life. I discovered this verse the other night while reading through 1 Thessalonians and it really struck deep.

1 Thessalonians 5:24

FAITHFUL is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to PASS.

What a strong reminder to me that no matter how hard I fight it, His will will be done and He will see it through till the end. It is a constant encouragement to me that I am not in this alone and that I will do this this time.

In another note, I found verses in 1 Thess. that will hopefully help me with my no complaining restart.

1 Thess. 5 16 - 22

In EVERYTHING give THANKS; for this is GOD'S will for you in Christ Jesus.
Do not QUENCH the Spirit;
Do not despise PROPHETIC utterances.
But examine everything CAREFULLY; HOLD FAST to that which is GOOD;
ABSTAIN from EVERY form of EVIL.

Sunday, July 08, 2007


This whole not complaining thing is harder than I thought. I haven't gone one day without complaining at least once. I have cut back but it still slips out. I blame it entirely on the job right now :-).

On another note, I both like and dislike change! You know in some ways change is great because it increases the spontaneity in life but on the other hand it comes with much "growing" pain.

Relationships~all kinds not just that annoying boyfriend/girlfriend one but the friends one. I realized recently that I am very selfish. When it comes to relationships I have a hard time maintaining them if I can't physically see the person. For example, my best friend Beth lives in Iowa and I rarely see or talk to her.

Now some of this I attribute to the fact that she is now married and has someone else that she has to consider in life. Not that I hold that against her. I am happy for her. But I was thinking the other day that it sucks that our friendship seems harder to maintain now and that is when I realized that it is solely because I am selfish. I expect her to call me or contact me all the time instead of me MAKING the time to maintain a friendship that I hold dear. I never thought I wasn't selfish but I guess I just didn't see myself as that selfish.

The other thing that I realize is that when I do talk to my Best friends I usually am also working on something else at the same time and not giving them my undivided attention. What A JERK!!! If they have taken the time to call me and check up on me then I should give them the same consideration and pay attention. I realized this when I was talking to my best friend Shrig a couple of weeks ago. She is always so good about it and I always promise to call back when I have time, but do I? No! I am a selfish jerk.

Then there is my best friend Sarah who I probably dedicate more time to than all the three put together and that is so unfair of me. I don't know why, it's not that she is any better than the other two. I don't know, maybe its because she challenges me on a level the other two don't. NOt that they don't challenge me in their own ways but somehow it's different. I don't know how to explain it.

Each of them has had a direct and infinite impact in my life. Shrig has been the one person I could count on to treat me as an equal since that wretched time of life called highschool. She has taught me to laugh at myself when I do something stupid and to be strong in what I believe. She has been a part of my life for years and without her I sometimes think I would have forever remained living with my head stuck in a hole in the ground. (you know what I mean Shrig :-))

Beth I met in college when she was dating a guy I was interested in. (It's always best to be friends with your "friends" girlfriend) We built an amazing friendship out of it and have been there for each other through the ups and downs. She has taught me to find the beauty inside myself, to persevere and to trust that God is in contrl.

Sarah I also met in college and have known for years now. Sarah is the one who showed me the grace of God through her life, she showed me that there is always hope and opportunities for second chances. She has shown me that it is possible to live solely on faith alone when there really isn't much else to live on.

Then there's a friend that I met online who I have had the HARDEST time maintaining any kind of a relationship with. We seem to miss each other somehow. Course that might be because he lives in Portugal :-). But you know... He's fun to talk to when we get the chance and it takes me outside of my small world of DC and the USA. Who knows moving to Scotland next year may even give me the opportunity to actually get to meet him in person. That might make the friendship work :-) seeing as I do better with "physical" friendships.

I have numerous friends here in DC and am afraid of leaving next year purely for the reason that I know I struggle with maintaining long-distance relationships. I don't want to lose my friends. They mean a lot to me and each one has made an imprint on my life. What will I do without them?

Monday, July 02, 2007

Tryin something out and Scotland

So our Pastor mentioned this challenge that another Pastor presented to his church. I have decided to give it a try. Basically the challenge is to not complain for 21 days. Supposedly the result is no more complaining because you have created a new habit of finding only the good. This is something I definitely need to work on so here goes...

Have you ever finally let go and let God take the wheel only to realize that DUH if I had just done it sooner maybe I would already be where I should be? Boy I really do feel like an idiot when I look back at just how clear God has been for as long as I can remember about going to Scotland. I mean I am talking all the way back to the age of five!!!!

I have always dreamed of this country and had an intense passion for her that I couldn't quite explain and still in fact have a hard time putting into words. When I tell people that I love Scotland and that i can't wait to get there and they ask why all I can say is I know that's where God wants me. I really have no other way to explain why the passion is so strong and so intense.

Before last September '06 Scotland was a mere dream and not even a "possibility" in my mind. Then I actually got to go and visit with my Grandmum and God just made it 100% clear that I was home and I should have already been there. I have a passion for the country who's land flows through my blood. I have a passion to reclaim the youth and college age of Scotland for GOD.

It's funny to think that Scotland is the home to John Knox and had such a strong Christian past yet 67% of all Scots no longer claim any religious affiliation. Some say this is due to the fact that the church has remained in the past while the rest of the world contiunes to change and move forward.