Monday, July 02, 2007

Tryin something out and Scotland

So our Pastor mentioned this challenge that another Pastor presented to his church. I have decided to give it a try. Basically the challenge is to not complain for 21 days. Supposedly the result is no more complaining because you have created a new habit of finding only the good. This is something I definitely need to work on so here goes...

Have you ever finally let go and let God take the wheel only to realize that DUH if I had just done it sooner maybe I would already be where I should be? Boy I really do feel like an idiot when I look back at just how clear God has been for as long as I can remember about going to Scotland. I mean I am talking all the way back to the age of five!!!!

I have always dreamed of this country and had an intense passion for her that I couldn't quite explain and still in fact have a hard time putting into words. When I tell people that I love Scotland and that i can't wait to get there and they ask why all I can say is I know that's where God wants me. I really have no other way to explain why the passion is so strong and so intense.

Before last September '06 Scotland was a mere dream and not even a "possibility" in my mind. Then I actually got to go and visit with my Grandmum and God just made it 100% clear that I was home and I should have already been there. I have a passion for the country who's land flows through my blood. I have a passion to reclaim the youth and college age of Scotland for GOD.

It's funny to think that Scotland is the home to John Knox and had such a strong Christian past yet 67% of all Scots no longer claim any religious affiliation. Some say this is due to the fact that the church has remained in the past while the rest of the world contiunes to change and move forward.


Shrig said...

I guess the weather is going to be much cooler around here since you won't be talking for the next 21 day ;)

LOL. J/K Couldn't help it.

Hey! If we both stop complaining for 21 days, maybe we can restore what's left of the ozone layer... Hmmm....worth considering.

Anyway, good luck. Love you dude. :)

kiltsandthistles said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha