Thursday, August 31, 2006

Six Topics, Ten Questions


1. are you missing someone right now? yes
2. are you happy? Waiting on a phone call and then maybe I will be happier
3. are you talking to anyone right now? nope
4. are you bored: a little
5. are you german: yes
6. are you irish: na Scottish
7. are you french: No.....
8. are you Italian: no
9. are your parents still married: 26 years and still goin
10. do you like someone right now : I plead the fifth


1. store: H & M
2. flower: gerbera daisy, daisies
3. color: red, green or pink
4. sport: futball and FOOTBALL!!
5. mall: don’t go to them
6. music: anything but rap
7. food: steak, baked potato, asparagus, green beans, corn and mushrooms
8. season: FALL
9. animal: horses and dogs
10. state: the New England states


1. hometown: Washington, DC
2. hair color: brown with natural red highlights
4. hair style: just short of shoulder length and curly
5. eye color: hazel, they change based on my mood and the color I am wearing
6. best friend: Shrig, Beth, Sarah and Pete
7. mood: slightly bored, slightly tired
8. skin color: WHITE as white can be
9. available: yeah
10. lefty/righty: right


1. have you ever been in love?: I thought so
2. do you believe in love: I guess
3. why did your last relationship fail: never been in one
4. have you ever been heartbroken: who hasn’t
5. have you ever broken someone's heart?: no
6. have you ever fallen for one of your best friends? Yes and will never do it again
7. have you ever liked someone but never told them that you do? Um again who hasn’t
8. are you afraid of commitment: no
9. has someone ever kissed your hand: no
10. have you ever had a secret admirer: not that I know of


1. love or trust: both
2. hard liquor or beer: how bout neither
3. night or day: night
4. one night stands or relationships: relationships
5. television or internet: internet
6. pepsi or coke? um
7. wild night out or romantic night in: romantic night in
8. pink or blue? either
9. phone or in person: in person
10. msn or myspace: myspace


1. have you ever been caught sneaking out?: nope
2. have you ever skinny dipped: nope
3. have you ever done something you regret? Yet again who hasn’t
4. have you ever bungee jumped? nope
5. have you ever been on a house boat? nope
6. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker: yep
7. have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt? Um if you mean relationally, yes but if you mean physically, no
9. have you ever danced in the rain? Nope
10. have you ever been skydiving? That is a resounding YES!!!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

“No news is good news” and a different perspective

Whoever said this originally was just living in a dream world. Each day that I continue to go without news or information regarding my trip, I become more agitated and anxious. I have nine days til d-day and no confirmation on whether they have been able to book my Grandmum a new seat. This is not to say that I don’t try to get news. I think my agent will be very glad to get me on this trip and never hear from me again. I have called everyday to push them and try to find out if they know anything.

A different perspective

My good friend Pete reminded me last night, that as much as this sucks, others are still worse off. Consider, Pete just spent some time in Haiti for a mission trip. He had a great time and grew to know and love the people there. Well they just got lambasted by this tropical storm/hurricane Ernesto. Pete reminded me that they have lost their lives, livelihood and even homes and family. Me? All I may or may have lost is a trip to Scotland that I can attempt to take next year.

I need to stop being so selfish. I also started reading Job last night on the recommendation of a friend. Not that I am saying my life or situation is anything like Job’s but I can view his life as an example of how I should be reacting in these situations. So I will do my best to wake up each day until I LEAVE and remember that God is in control and no matter what happens He deserves all the honor and the praise. His will, will be done and I have to trust in the wisdom of His hand in my life.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Grad School and Scotland

How frustrating is this? I had my final yesterday for my Corporate Finance class. It was 25 questions long, all multiple choice and open book. I spent three hours pouring over that book finding the correct answers and could have sworn I had all but maybe four or five correct. When I finally finished and submitted the exam I GOT A LOUSY STINKIN 56%. ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The other frustrating thing that I am going to write the professor about, is the fact that the very first question had two possible correct answers but no option for those two. It basically gave me four different options and then an (e) none of the above, which I had to choose since I couldn’t say that only one of the answers was correct. If this was one of the answers I got wrong then I am going to fight it by turning in my answer for him to review and “correct” for me. IT IS SOOOOO FRUSTRATING!!!!

The only good thing out of all this, I NOW HAVE A SEVEN WEEK BREAK BEFORE MY NEXT CLASS!!!! I am taking only one class next semester so that I don’t have to worry about school while I am in Scotland!! But once I finish this next class in October, I am planning to take an extended break from school. I am constantly exhausted, worn out and brain fried trying to work two jobs and go to school full-time. Plus a couple of other factors I have decided that in order to be a good steward of my time, money and body I need to take a break.

In other news MUCH PRAYER WOULD BE APPRECIATED regarding my Scotland trip. Basically three days ago I was informed that the mistake the Travel agent made with my Grandmum’s name means we now have to rebook and they are trying to charge me $400 dollars for their mistake. I am angry and frustrated since they only let us know two weeks before we leave and second because I can’t afford $400 more dollars on this trip. ARRRGGHHH! Please pray that God will work in miraculous ways so that the agency pays for their mistake and my Grandmum and I make it safely and THIS September.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Super long survey!

High School: Bellefonte Area High School
Favorite pop: Mug Root Beer
Favorite band: Mercy Me, Casting Crowns
Favorite animal: Horses
Favorite weather: warm enough to go without a jacket but cool enough to wear a light sweater

Do You:
Like someone?: yeah of course, my friends
Want more piercings: Nope
Want a tattoo: No

Person you talked to in person?: my sister
Person you talked to on the phone: my mum
Person you hung out with?: my sister
Last movie watched: She’s the Man
Last movie Saw in theater: Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man’s Chest

Have you:
Ever cried over a girl or boy: yeah
Ever been arrested: nope
Ever had a friend die: yes
Ever finished a puzzle: yes
Ever got surgery: yes many
Ever hated someone: you mean like Osama or Saddam of course :-)

Blue or red? red
Spring or Fall?: FALL, FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!

Random stuff:
Criminal record?: nope
Do you have any pets?: one cat

Level 1
() Shoplifted
() Been fired
() Been in a fist fight

Level 2
()Snuck out of your own house
(X) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
() Gone on a blind date

Level 3
() Had a crush on a teacher
() Skipped school
() slept with a co-worker
()Saw someone die

Level 4
(X) Been to Canada
() Been to Mexico
(X) Been on a plane

Level 5
(X) Eaten Sushi
() Been surfing.

Level 6
(X) Taken painkillers
(X) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
(X) Made a snow angel

Level 7
(X) Had a tea party
(X) Flown a kite
(X) Built a sand castle
(X) Gone puddle jumping

Level 8
(X) Jumped into a pile of leaves
(X) Gone sledding
() Cheated while playing a game
(X) Been lonely
() Fallen asleep at school

Level 9
() Used a fake ID
(X) Watched the sunset
(X) Felt an earthquake
(X) Touched a snake

Level 10
(X) Been tickled
(X) Been robbed/vandalized/had anything stolen from you

Level 11
(X) Won a contest
() Suspended/expelled from school/(lunch detention)
() Been in a motorcycle accident

Level 12
() Had braces
(X) Had deja vu...
() Danced in the moonlight

Level 13
(X) Hated the way you looked
(X) Witnessed a crime

Level 14
(X) Barefoot through the mud
(X) Been lost
(X) Swam in the ocean
(X) Felt like you were dying

Level 15
(X) Cried yourself to sleep
(X) Played cops and robbers
(X) Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
(X) Sang karaoke
(X) Paid for something with only coins

Level 16
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
() Made prank phone calls
(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue

Level 17
(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus
() Been kissed under a mistletoe
(X) Looked up at the stars with someone
(X) Blown bubbles
() Made a bonfire on the beach

Level 18
(X) Have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people
(X) Gone rollerskating/blading
(X) Had a wish come true

Level 19
X) Worn pearls
() Jumped off a bridge
(X) Ate dog food – when I was a kid
() Told a complete stranger you loved them

Level 20
(X) Sang in the shower - haha alll the time
(X) Glued your hand to something.

Level 21
( ) Got your tongue stuck to a pole
( ) Kissed a fish.
(X) Worn the opposite sex's clothes
(X) Sat on a roof top

Level 22
(X) Screamed at the top of your lungs
() Done a one-handed cartwheel
() Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
(X) Stayed up all night

Level 23
(X) Didn't take a shower for a week-backpacking in canada
(X) Climbed a tree
(X) Had a tree house
(X) Scared to watch scary movies alone - i will only do it if all the lights on but even then I freak out

Level 24
(X) Worn a really ugly outfit to school - Yeah, more than once probably but servant day was the worst!

Level 25
() Played chicken
() Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
() Been told you're hot by a complete stranger
(X) Broken a bone
(X) Been easily amused - always

Level 26
(X) Caught a fish then cooked it and ate it
(X) Caught a butterfly
(X) Laughed so hard you cried
() Cried so hard you laughed

Level 27
() Cheated on a test
(X) Forgotten someone's name

Level 29
(X) Rode a roller coaster
() Went scuba-diving
(X) Had a cavity
() Black-mailed someone
() Been black-mailed

Level 30
(X) Been used
(X) Fell going up or down the stairs
() Bitten someone

Who was the last person you told I love you to? My sister
What was the last thing you ate? Cheese stick
What was the last thing you drank?: java chip freezer
What color pants are you wearing?: um nude, I am wearing a skirt
What is the closest item near you that is blue? My skirt
What are you wearing on your feet?: orange and white socks and orange and white sneakers
What instant messaging service do you use?: trillian
What do you wear more, jeans or shorts?: jeans or skirts, never shorts
What is your favorite song right now? Photograph by Nickelback
Where is your favorite place to be? Ebeneezers
Where is your phone?: on the table by me
Where is your mom?: taking a nap at home in PA
Where do you sleep?:in my bed
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing right now?: H & M
Where did you last take a car ride to? To trader joe’s

Five States in the U.S. You've Been To
1. Iowa
2. Michigan
3. Florida
4. Virginia
5. New York

Five Foods You Like
1. steak
2. tacos
3. hummus
4. beef jerky
5. salmon

Five Drinks You Adore
1. quad soy white mocha, iced or hot
2. water
3. mountain dew
4. cherry italian soda
5. hot tea cloud 9 flavor from Gong Fu in Iowa

Five Things You Love
1. God
2. My family
3. iPod
4. Cat Fia
5. my books

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

70 Questions to End the Summer

1. Are you in a relationship?

2. Do you hate more then 3 ppl?

3. How many houses have you lived in?
do you really wanna know, let me see…1, 2, 3, 4, oh boy I could just keep going. All in all I think 14.

4. What is your favorite candy bar?
3 Musketeers

5. What are your favorite shoes?
Don’t have a favorite pair

6. Have you ever tripped someone?
Um no

My week in Iowa for my Best Friends wedding!!!

9. Do you own a Britney Spears CD?
Um yeah but it was a gift cause I liked the ONE song

11. Name someone that's ALWAYS on your mind.
Yeesh just one, I can’t cause there’s a couple of them. Beth, Pete, Sarah and Shrigs

12. What is your favorite music genre?
50’s, Country, Praise and Worship

13. What is your sign?

14. What time were you born?

15. Do you like beer?

16. Have you ever made a prank call?

17. What is the most embarrassing CD you own?
All my Nsync and before you judge, I never had a NKotB experience

18. Are you sarcastic?

19. What is your favorite color?
Red, green, yellow, orange, pink actually all of them

20. How many watches do you own
two but I can’t wear them cause my body shuts them off

21. Summer or Winter?

22. Spring or fall?

23. What is your favorite color to wear?
Green, red and pink

24. Pepsi or Sprite?

25. What color is your cell phone?

26. Wheres your second home?
My church family

27. Have you ever slapped someone?
Um probably somewhere in my past

28. Have you ever had a cavity?

29. How many lamps are in your bedroom?

30. How many video games do you own?

31. What was your first pet?
Hickory a dog

32. Have you ever had braces?
nope n

33. Do looks matter?
Well I do need to be attracted

34. Do you use Chapstick?
No allergic to the SPF they use in it

36. American Eagle or Abercrombie?

37. Are you too forgiving?

38. How many children do you want?
I’ll figure that out when the time comes

39. Do you own something from Hot Topic?

40. What is your favorite breakfast?
Honey bunches of oats

41. Do you own a gun?

42. What was the last thing you ate?

43. When was the last time you cried?
Recently I just can’t remember specifically when

44. What did you do 3 nights ago?
Worked at Ebs

45. When was the last time you went to Olive Garden?
Ages ago

46. Have you ever called your teacher mom?

48. What are your nicknames?
Neiner, Neenermyer,

49. Do you know anyone named Bertha?

50. Have you ever been to Kentucky?

51. Do you own something from Banana Republic?

52. Are you thinking about somebody right now?

53. Have you ever called someone Boo?

54. Do you smoke?

55. Do you own a Diamond ring?
No, don’t really care for diamonds anyway

56. Are you happy with your life right now?
Getting there

57. Do you dye your hair?
I used to but I give up, the gray is going to come whether I want it to or not

58. Does anyone like you?
My friends

59. Who's your best friend(s)
Beth, Shrigs, Sarah and Pete

60. What were you doing May of 1994?
sitting in high school wondering when the pain was gonna end (DITTO)

61. Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD?

62. McDonald's or Wendy's?
neither, can’t stand fast food

63. Do you like yourself?
I guess

64. Are you closer to your mother or father?

65. Favorite feature(s) of the opposite sex?

66. Are you afraid of the dark?

67. Have you ever eaten paste?

68. Do you have a webcam?

69. Have you ever been to NYC?
Many times

70. Ever fulfilled a goal?
Yes, I am leaving for Scotland in 15 days!!!! two of my goals at the beginning of the year were to get a car and go to Scotland!!!


So I went running for the first time since I graduated college in 2003. I forgot how many muscles you utilize when you run. I am so stinkin sore in places I totally forgot about. The bad thing…I work at the Pentagon where I spend the entire day running all over that crazy place opening rooms. To say none the least I have been walking around with a permanent wince on my face. I think it must look pretty funny to people looking at me and wondering what the heck is wrong with that girl. :-)

The upside though is that for not having run in such a long time, I did a pretty good job of keeping up with the group. We ran for 45 min. and approximately a mile and a half. I ran for a good half an hour of that and then finished the last fifteen walking. I am going to keep it up though because it felt good and I really need to lose the weight.

Psalm 9:10

Psalm 9:10 And they that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee: for Thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek Thee. Psalm 9:10

My best friend sent this to me a while ago and I have had it hanging at my desk for both my jobs now. Its funny though, how something can sit in front of you everyday and you just don’t realize its potential and truth.

I was reminded and rebuked by this verse today. First reminded that God will never forsake them that seek Him and then rebuked because I realize that as much as I love God and truly desire to know Him better I forget to put my trust in Him. I find that as a human being I consistently try to do what I can to make my life better rather than trusting it into the hands of the One who created me in His image and has great purpose in life for me.

Why do we find it so easy to place our trust in humans who will fail us and who are fallible than to take that ultimate step of complete faith and trust in The One who is infallible and completely trustworthy. To know God is to Love God. I really need to take this verse to heart and make it my personal mantra so that I remember to love and trust my life to Him completely.
What could possibly be better than that?

Monday, August 21, 2006


Face in the Mirror
Who is that looking back at me?
Who am I?
And where am I supposed to be?
Different folks tell me
I am different things.
But why can't I just see?
Who is that looking back at me?

The days are short
The nights are long
Will anything ever be the same
Since you are gone?

You gave me hope
A reason to live.
But now I just die
With nothing to give.

You gave me love
And I thought I was something.
When you left me
Love did too and now I am nothing.

When will you return?
I need you in my life.
With you around
I know that I can survive.

The days are short
The nights are long.
Will anything ever be the same
Since you are gone?

Golden Leaves
Yellow Sheaves
Chocolate Trees
Lazy Bees
Orange Flowers
Red Apples
Mellow Sun
Lotsa Fun
Apple Ciders
Hidden Spiders
Chilly Hayrides
Pumpkin Pies
Queen of the Night
Moon so Bright
King of Day
Sun so Gay
Summers End
New School Trend
School Uniform
Thunder Storm

They said you'd never do it.
Tourette Syndrome blew your chances
Yet you pursued it.
I remember playing army in the sand
And in the quarry with the little green men and
Then in the woods with each other.
I remember watching you realize
That Tourette Syndrome would ruin your life
And would all your dreams deny.
I remember watching your frustration
With your twitching and noises that you
Never could seem to control.
I saw the medicines never work.
I saw your dejection from the rejection
From friends who turned to jerks.
I remember your defeating that rejection
Turning it around in another direction
By becoming "one of the boys."
I have seen your dream apprehended
To become onf the FEW, the PROUD, the SPLENDID,
A United States Marine.


I have never looked so much forward to a vacation as I am this one to Scotland. I am so exhausted from work and school that I just can’t wait. I almost wish I had an extra couple of days before I left to catch up on sleep so that I could fully enjoy the entire trip to Scotland.

I have been working myself to the bone. I really need to re-evaluate my priorities. I am working full-time as a contracted employee to the Pentagon. I then work part-time as a barista at my church’s café. I also am going to Grad School full-time. On top of all that I am trying to stay involved with church and my friends. Something needs to go and I have a feeling it may be school.

I started going for my MBA for all the wrong reasons anyway and I don’t really see where I’ll ever use it. Besides stressing over classes, I am wracking up more debt that if I don’t ever use it, will just follow me for another good 10 years. YEACH!!!

For right now I just look forward to the fact that I am in the last week of my corporate finance class and then I get a 7 week break from any kind of classes. I am only taking half a semester this time so that I do not have to worry about having to find the time while in Scotland to do homework. How not fun would that be. I work at the café up to the 31st of Aug. Then I am tentatively going to Philly for Labor Day weekend. Then I have three days at the Pentagon then I am gone to SCOTLAND FOR AWHILE!!!!!!!

Who knows maybe I won’t come back!!! I’ll just find a nice little thatched cottage up in the highlands to hide away in for the rest of my life. Wouldn’t that be nice, well first find a husband to take there with me J!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


So my church just finished a series of sermons/conference focusing on Missions. It is something they do every year with the slogan being “Pray, Give, Go”. The last topic was risks and risk taking. Pastor Josh Karrer put before the church that faith is basically risk. We were challenged to follow that Gut-feeling God put in us no matter what the risk. If you don’t step out in faith/risk nothing would ever get done.

So I have decided it is time to start praying and asking for prayer regarding a decision I must make. The job that I am in is a one year contract with options to stay if I prove to be valuable. Now when my contract comes up for bid next fall, I think I am going to take a month off and spend it in Scotland. Recently a young married couple left the states for Edinburgh to start an amazing ministry.

Scotland has always been my heart and passion as well as “young” people. So Lord willing and through much prayer over the next year, I am hoping to be able to take that month and go to Edinburgh and hopefully get the opportunity to work with this couple and the others there.

Please pray:

That God will provide direction
That I will honestly seek His direction
That when the time is right God will open the hearts of my bosses to grant me this time
For the Schmidgall’s in Edinburgh
For Eikon

“Little Black Book”

So I realized that I am constantly saying that I will pray for people and I realize that I write these prayer requests down on many different slips of paper. As my dearest friend Beth can attest to, in planning for her wedding, slips get lost and misplaced. So on that thought process I decided to buy a “little black book” that I could carry around with me every where to write down prayer requests as I receive them. Now I only bought it just last night but I have started transferring slips into it. I plan to also make sure to keep it with me at work so that when there is a down time I can start praying through the list. This will be a good thing for me to help me to stay in constant conversation with my Lord and Savior.

Monday, August 14, 2006

25 more days until SCOTLAND!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I Exchange...

My weariness for His strength,
My weakness for His power,
My darkness fo rHis light,
My problems for His solutions,
My burdens for His freedom,
My frustrations for His peace,
My turmoil for His calm,
My hopes for His promises,
My afflictions for His balm of comfort,
My questions for His answers,
My confusion for His knowledge,
My doubt for His assurance,
My nothingness for His awesomeness,
The temporal for the eternal,
And the impossible for the possible!

Friday, August 11, 2006

FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I almost got mugged tonight!!! What the heck is with me and this city?!?!?!?

So I ran to 7-eleven, because I was having a pity party for myself and no pity party is complete with out the gratuitous pint of ice cream. As I was walking home, mind you my apartment building is one block from the store, I hear this basketball bouncing across the street and behind me. I pay no attention cause when its bouncing you know where the kids are. Well then it stops bouncing. ALL TOGETHER, nothing, I hear no voices nothing!!! I suspected something when it stopped but then when it didn't start back up at all I was VERY suspicious. With good cause, having been mugged once I have no desire to be mugged again. If it means I am somewhat rude and "racial" then so be it, I am only that way at night!! Well the next thing I know I hear someone trip behind me and sure enough I turned around and there is this little maybe 10 or 11 year old sneaking up on me. He stopped and pretended to do, i don't know what when I turned around but I knew, I AM NOT STUPID!!! SO i sped up and turned into my building. As I am opening the door to go in I turn one more time and this kid crosses the street to join up with his two buddies as they yell at me "BITCH". Why am I the bitch when they are the ones who were going to try and mug me. Why am I the one who suffers the indignation of this insult when they are stupid little kids who should know better than to attack people or call people rude names.

WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TOO!!!???!!!??? GOD PLEASE TAKE ME HOME!!!! BY THE WAY THANK YOU FOR WATCHING OUT FOR ME!!!!!!!! I know that only You and You alone gave me the keen sense of hearing tonight and the protective arms around me. Thank you!!!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Great Essay by Joel Stein

I really enjoyed this.

Attacking anti-Semitism hasn't got us far in 3,000 years. It's time for some changes.

Most times, when someone spouts off about how awful the Jews are, I blow it off as ignorance. If the guy just got to know us, he would totally dig us. We're funny and warm and smart and totally self-effacing. We send Ben Stiller to Iran for a few weeks, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be opening up Noah's bagel shops in all the strip malls in Tehran. The only problem is that with just 0.02% of the world's population, we can't do nearly as many personal appearances as we'd like. That's why we took over the media.

But Mel Gibson knows us--personally. He's been in Hollywood for more than 20 years, virtually surrounded by Jews. If Mel doesn't like us, maybe it's finally time to stop blaming everyone else for the bigotry and scapegoating and start to look at ourselves. As the saying goes, if people hate you for 1,000 years, you can blame them, if you're persecuted for 2,000 years, maybe you're unlucky; but if they still want to kill you after 3,000 years, you have to ask yourself if you're doing something wrong.

So we Jews are going to have to make some slight adjustments to get on the world's good side. No more smiting our enslavers with locusts or refusing to convert during Inquisitions or giving ourselves Oscars for Holocaust documentaries. We've got to up our likability, get on people's good sides.

The first thing we have to do is drop the Chosen Peopletm marketing bit. It's not working. Not only is it not scaring people off as it was designed to do, but it comes off as sort of arrogant. I'm suggesting we change our official slogan to Just One of the Guystm or the People Who Believe in Most of Your Bibletm or even the People Who, if History is a Guide, Are Not Among God's Favoritestm. We'll need to get Karl Rove involved.

You know how a lot of Jewish performers change their names so they don't offend anyone with all that Jewishness? Emmanuel Goldberg changed his name to Edward G. Robinson, and Jonathan Leibowitz threw us all off the trail with Jon Stewart. How about if all the rest of hte Jews do it too? I'm considering Joe Crockett. I also like the sound of Johnny Slayer. Plus, coming up with 14 million new names will be a kind of WPA project for all the Jewish writers. Because we have to back off the controlling-the-media thing a tad.

We could do ourselves a lot of good by stopping our whole Protocols of the Elders of Zion plan. It's been more than 100 years since the book has been out, and we have yet to come close to our goal of (I'm using the Iranian translation here) "extracting from the hands of the Lord many stars and galaxies." In fact, we have yet to extract one single star or glalaxy. Let's drop it! One of our methods of controlling the universe according to the book, was to get people hooked on alcohol. And look how that backfired last week.

Also, we need to stop killing other people's messiahs. O.K., it was actually the Romans who killed Jesus, but we were there. And even if it had been us, you'd think the Catholics would thanks us, since otherwise they'd have churches today full of statues of a bald old guy clutching his heart in hospice care, and who's showing up every Sunday for that? But still, it's better if we stay far away from any messiahs. Even if a guy clearly isn't the Messiah but is just saying he is--walk away. There's nothing to gain there.

Until Gibson told his arresting officers that "the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," I didn't realize that was our thing. If it is, let's drop it. I would have thought that the guy who made Braveheart, The Patriot, Gallipoli and When We Were Soldiers and has directed some of the most violent, angry scenes in cinema would love war. But I guess he doesn't.

And most of all, we have to stop this finger wagging at Gibson. Endeavor agent Ari Emanuels has written that no studio would work with him anymore. Bad call. We don't want to get in a battle here. In a popularity contest between Mel Gibson and Jews, it doesn't look so good for hte Jews. Better we laugh this off, maybe respond with a jibe at the Australians, like how they make simplistic, ovelry fruit-forward red wines. Then we all have a chuckle and subtle suggest another dead language for him to teach himself for his next movie. We've got to give the guy as much busywork as possible.

TIME Magazine, August 14th 2006, Page 78

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I want to own a car just like this. I want to be able to get it and fix it up and listen to it purr. They really just don't make cars this way anymore.

Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong time period. Oh well what do I know. God knows best right :-).

I am utterly exhausted and need major prayer. I am stuck in a class for grad school right now, that I can't drop and I don't understand whatsoever. No one has ever called me a financial mastermind for a very good reason...I am most definitely not one. :-)

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Why can't we all just stay kids???

Why can't we all just stay kids??? Why does the world have to change? Why does life have to get harder and harder to live? Why are children the only ones able to see the world as nothing but an adventure? Why are children the only ones that truly believe that God can do everything and anything? Why do we have to become so jaded and marred by the world and what it expects and wants along our growing up that we lose all sense of wonder and belief? Why do people have to move on in life? Why do we have to grow up?

I was never happier than when I was a child and my only goal in life was to dream about what I could be and have fun. I wish that I could go back to that time when I dreamed of being an astronaut and had no reason to believe it couldn't happen. I wish that I could go back to the freedom of being a child and getting to run about in the woods and play with not a care in the world. I wish that I could go back to being a child where love is what our parents give us and what we feel for our siblings, our kittens, our bicycles, our backyards, our crayons, our dolls, our hamsters, our wildflowers, our dogs, our play-time, and our general enjoyment of life, even though we don't actually understand what life is.

more pics

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Dress rehearsal

Friday night was the dress rehearsal. We got the church decorated that afternoon, besides having to deal with the nusiance of a drum kit the church they rented refused to move, everything went off without a hitch. The church looked beautiful and the greenery was lush.

We ran through the wedding three times, once very quickly, once full scale and another again a quickie. We got out of there by 6pm and headed to Chips for the rehearsal dinner. It was very good and very interesting. It is basically a restuarant that makes a conglomeration of American food. I had a ribeye steak with salad, mashed potatoes and broccoli. It was excellent.

After that the girls all headed back to Beth's place for another quick little shower with all the bridesmaids. It was very sweet and well put together by Beth's sister Jenny. That lasted until approximately 10ish. Then Beth and I followed two of the bridesmaid's to their hotel in order to get them checked in and then headed home. Beth jumped in the shower and then hopped into bed. She fell dead asleep while I was giving her a massage around midnight and slept like a log until 6:30am. It was very good for her. I was very worried that she wouldn't be able to sleep the night before her wedding, so I basically begged God all night that she would sleep well and be refreshed the next day.

Here are some pics from the decorating, rehearsal, dinner, and the bridesmaid's shower.

First a better picture of the happy couple, now Luke and Elizabeth Strahan (pronounced stran)

Okay so I'll have to post more pics later cause the heat is making the internet running excessively slow. Sorry, keep posted though