Monday, August 28, 2006

Grad School and Scotland

How frustrating is this? I had my final yesterday for my Corporate Finance class. It was 25 questions long, all multiple choice and open book. I spent three hours pouring over that book finding the correct answers and could have sworn I had all but maybe four or five correct. When I finally finished and submitted the exam I GOT A LOUSY STINKIN 56%. ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The other frustrating thing that I am going to write the professor about, is the fact that the very first question had two possible correct answers but no option for those two. It basically gave me four different options and then an (e) none of the above, which I had to choose since I couldn’t say that only one of the answers was correct. If this was one of the answers I got wrong then I am going to fight it by turning in my answer for him to review and “correct” for me. IT IS SOOOOO FRUSTRATING!!!!

The only good thing out of all this, I NOW HAVE A SEVEN WEEK BREAK BEFORE MY NEXT CLASS!!!! I am taking only one class next semester so that I don’t have to worry about school while I am in Scotland!! But once I finish this next class in October, I am planning to take an extended break from school. I am constantly exhausted, worn out and brain fried trying to work two jobs and go to school full-time. Plus a couple of other factors I have decided that in order to be a good steward of my time, money and body I need to take a break.

In other news MUCH PRAYER WOULD BE APPRECIATED regarding my Scotland trip. Basically three days ago I was informed that the mistake the Travel agent made with my Grandmum’s name means we now have to rebook and they are trying to charge me $400 dollars for their mistake. I am angry and frustrated since they only let us know two weeks before we leave and second because I can’t afford $400 more dollars on this trip. ARRRGGHHH! Please pray that God will work in miraculous ways so that the agency pays for their mistake and my Grandmum and I make it safely and THIS September.


Kate said...

aw I'm praying for ya girl! God will provide somehow if it's meant to be. I think you need a break from school too:)

Elizabeth said...

I've been breaking from school since I gratitated...and maybe I'll never stop breaking!!!