Wednesday, August 16, 2006

“Little Black Book”

So I realized that I am constantly saying that I will pray for people and I realize that I write these prayer requests down on many different slips of paper. As my dearest friend Beth can attest to, in planning for her wedding, slips get lost and misplaced. So on that thought process I decided to buy a “little black book” that I could carry around with me every where to write down prayer requests as I receive them. Now I only bought it just last night but I have started transferring slips into it. I plan to also make sure to keep it with me at work so that when there is a down time I can start praying through the list. This will be a good thing for me to help me to stay in constant conversation with my Lord and Savior.


Elizabeth said...

Luke and I have a goal of learning to pray without ceasing. We believe this can be accomplished very literally, perhaps not always prayer with actual words, but always conscious fellowship with God. It helps to start by just telling God good morning when you wake up and good night when you go to sleep.

Hyla said...

Repent - the book is not black

kiltsandthistles said...

that's why the title and the phrase are in "quotation" marks :-)
NUT!!! :-) Still luv ya though :-)