Wednesday, August 16, 2006


So my church just finished a series of sermons/conference focusing on Missions. It is something they do every year with the slogan being “Pray, Give, Go”. The last topic was risks and risk taking. Pastor Josh Karrer put before the church that faith is basically risk. We were challenged to follow that Gut-feeling God put in us no matter what the risk. If you don’t step out in faith/risk nothing would ever get done.

So I have decided it is time to start praying and asking for prayer regarding a decision I must make. The job that I am in is a one year contract with options to stay if I prove to be valuable. Now when my contract comes up for bid next fall, I think I am going to take a month off and spend it in Scotland. Recently a young married couple left the states for Edinburgh to start an amazing ministry.

Scotland has always been my heart and passion as well as “young” people. So Lord willing and through much prayer over the next year, I am hoping to be able to take that month and go to Edinburgh and hopefully get the opportunity to work with this couple and the others there.

Please pray:

That God will provide direction
That I will honestly seek His direction
That when the time is right God will open the hearts of my bosses to grant me this time
For the Schmidgall’s in Edinburgh
For Eikon


Elizabeth said...

Wow, a new and exciting (risky) idea!

I had a teacher who went on a missions trip to Scotland, and she talked about the incredible poverty there among the country people...the children especially.

You may be an answer to a real need?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your dream job .. Working in Scotland.

The even better news is I have a good excuse to see the land :)

Elisabeth said...

AWESOME keep us posted!!! Here is a good book to read....
"The Dreamgiver" by Bruce Wilkenson. It helped me in my decision making regarding Haiti etc..... I think you'll find it helpful.