Friday, July 20, 2007

Transformers and Harry Potter

I LOVED TRANSFORMERS!!!!!!!!!!!! I have seen numerous movies where you know there is going to be CGI and unfortunately you can see it but not with Transformers! I grew up with these guys as toys as a child but never watched the cartoon. So the movie was great on two levels for me. First it was like seeing something for the very first time that didn't have a book or previous show to it (at least that I actually saw) and the CGI was AMAZING. It was so well done that you could almost believe that the Autobots really changed from cars to robots and back. The interaction with humans was quite real as well. I have to say this is the first movie since I was a youngster that I would pay to go see it in the theatre again.

Now as for HP and the O of the P, well that's another story. I didn't go into the movie with any pre-thoughts though some friends said it was great and others said it was disappointing. I sat and I watched and I generally enjoyed but over all I was disappointed. About the only thing I definitely enjoyed where the action scenes. I don't really know what else to say. I thought they could have done a much better job.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out RIGHT NOW. As I am staring at my computer it changes from 2359 to 0000!! MIDNIGHT!!! HP is officially on sale and my copy will be in my hands at some point in time tomorrow when UPS delivers it!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! I am so excited and kinda worried at the same time. I know someone has to die and that this is the end but I am worried about who it will be. I'll let you know what I thought of the book in about a month when everyone has had a chance to read it. I don't want to be held responsible for someone googling it and getting my site and having the book spoiled for them.

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