Monday, March 19, 2007


Have you ever had one of those weekends where something goes dreadfully wrong and it makes you rethink your life and choices you've made?

I did! I realized I made a dreadful mistake about someone and am hoping and praying that they'll give me a second chance. I also realized that someone that I had hoped to reconcile with, well it just won't ever happen. I also realized that as hard as I try and as much as I want to be the perfect person who is trying to do the right thing for God, it just won't happen. All I can do is admit it and try harder.

It's a couple of frustrating realizations because as you can see by a human perspective there is no hope to be found in a single one of these situations. But from a God perspective there is always hope to be found. For the mistake there is the possibily of a second chance, for the no reconciliation, its for the best and as for trying to be the best I can be for God, well that's good news to His ears when I say I'll just try harder to be what He wants me to be. It means to Him that I am truly His and He can work His glory through me. WOW

Okay not that I would wish another weekend like this on anyone but I don't know maybe we all need one of these realization weekends every once in a while. At least I know I do.

Thank you Father for reminding me how worthless I am when I try to do things without You. Thanks for letting me see my mistakes and please give me a second chance. Please take control of my life and make it more than just a useless lump of clay.


Elizabeth said...

for me...God seems to take over and do things right when i realize that on my own i can't do anything right. i think we all struggle with living in our own strength way more than we realize...i sure do anyway...and it's hard to really let Him take over. i love you, joyanna...i'm not sure what you are hoping for a second chance at...but i pray that the Lord will take care of you and give you good things.

Shrig said...

Does this guy's name start with a "J" and end with a "Son"? ... If it does, we need to talk. And even otherwise.

kiltsandthistles said...

oh heck no!!!! that is sooo way over!!! He's the one who I figure we'll never reconcile a friendship and no great loss. Friends come and go right?