Monday, November 05, 2007


Well to start Cayd Elijah was born November 2nd, 2007 at 9:35 PM. He is 9 pounds 8 oz, 22 inches long. He is the spitting image of his big brother when he was an infant. Red hair and all. I can't wait to say hello to the little guy.

As for me, I had both interviews and they both went well. The one I actually withdrew my application later because I realized that I wanted the other one more than I did that one. Now I am basically just interviewing all over the place looking for a new job.

I am really excited because I met Sunday with the group of folks who have all expressed an interest in going to India in the Spring with NCC. There was about 12 of us and all had different backgrounds. Some of the folks had been on prior trips with NCC and know what to expect. Then there are others who are more like me, never been on a trip outside the US and freaked beyond reason to go. It is going to be an expensive trip and a trip that requires complete faith in God. I will have to take a week and a half off work, it costs approximately $3000, I have to have a bunch of shots (and for those of you who know me well, know that I am a 27 year old baby when it comes to needles), and it will be a huge step outside of my comfort zone.

I was encouraged however during this meeting by those who said that if you are fighting with whether or not your supposed to go then you are definitely supposed to go. That is most definitely satan fighting hard to make you stay when he knows if you go he will lose more. That is both encouraging and discouraging. I get tired of constantly fighting to do the right thing. Sometimes I feel that no matter how hard I fight I just keep getting beat down and I just don't want to do it anymore. I feel like throwing in the towel and going up into the hills and becoming a hermit. Never having to deal with people again and thus never really having to fight. All I would do is read my Bible and pray. There would be nothing there to make it hard.

Now I know this is foolish and extremely selfish because this world and my life is not about me and my creature/spirit comforts but rather about God. I know that I made the decision to be used by Him which means that my life will never be easy. I have made the choice that I will honor and glorify Him in everything that I do. Thus, I will keep fighting, I will keep reading and studying and learning more about Him. I will keep allowing Him to put me in situations that require complete faith in Him. I know by just saying that I have opened myself up to more hardship than I personally can probably handle but I know that if I continue in His word and in daily prayer with Him I will be able to make it through and come out the other side more refined than before.

well that's all for today. Thanks to all who read this and pray, especially Beth. I covet everyone's prayers.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

hey kiddo...Matthew 11 says "come to me, you who are weary and heavy laden, and i will give you rest, for i am gentle and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your soul". Jesus has promised that He will be gentle when you turn to Him for comforted!