Monday, November 12, 2007


Yeah so I had an amazing rest of the week last week and a fabulous weekend.

First of all on Friday I got a call from one of the women I have been interviewing with for this new position. She wanted to know if i could stop by really quick and meet with the other person I would be supporting. I had no other plans but to leave early that day because it was so slow and boring at work so of course I went. It was amazing! Both women are impressed and love me and basically without actually having been offered the position in so many words, I know I have the position based on their comments and the next steps they have me taking. I AM SOOOO PUMPED!!! The position is amazing and will be sooo fulfilling. Instead of going home tired out of my mind from boredom I will be going home tired from actually having worked hard. I look forward to it more than some people can even fathom. :-)
Now Saturday was every bit as good. I had rented a car for the weekend to be able to get out of the city and enjoy the last of the fall foliage along Skyline Drive in Virginia. My friend Courtney and I grabbed breakfast at a little french cafe in the city, had the best french toast ever and then hit the road. We went south before going north because as I have discovered on past occasions going west on 66 and heading south will tack on an extra hour or two to your trip. Plus the traffic would have given me a massive headache.

So by 11:30 AM we were on our way. It was sooooo beautiful and the day was perfect. For those of you who know the quirkiness of me, you know that even though I suffer from sun deprevation depression my favorite days are cloudy gray days with bright autumnal leaves offering a magnificent contrast. That is exactly what we got to start the day. We had intermitten shots of sunshine as well but few and far between. So back to the trip itself, we stopped at a Wawa on our way out of the suburbs and grabbed lunch. Then we continued on and slowly but surely all signs of the city and suburbs fell away to mountains, forests, intermitten houses and numerus apple stands. At one such stand we decided to stop and grab some apples, cider and honey. The farmer had some cups at the stand so we grabbed them to go with our cider and the honey, man it had actual honeycomb in the jar. Then we continued on. The leaves and the scenery continued to get more and more beautiful the farther we went.

You know I seriously wonder sometimes how human beings could possibly explain all the wonder and beauty that can be seen around us as a result of evolution or a big bang. It is soooo obvious to me that it's only description for being can be a magnificent and wonderful Creator who wants to show us just how wonderful and beautiful He is. I mean to see all the different colors and so much of it, its well its indescribable. (thanks to Chris Tomlin for putting it to words)

From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation's revealing Your majesty
From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings

All exclaiming

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and
You know them by name.
You are amazing God
All powerful, untamable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God

Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night

None can fathom

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and
You know them by name
You are amazing God
All powerful, untamable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God

Alright back to the trip, we both got many beautiful pictures.

And when we reached the top of Skyline Drive we got a wonderful surprise!!!

SNOW!!! Courtney loved it as she is from Texas and I was okay with it cause I knew I would be leaving it behind. But I did throw my first snowball for the season! It was a good time.
Then it was back to the city, take a nap and then Courtney came over for pizza and we watched Miss Congeniality. Then to bed.
Sunday was a great day too. First of all Pats had a bye so I didn't have to stress about a football game. Though I was rather shocked that the COLTS LOST TO THE CHARGERS?!?!?!? Pastor Joel covered the next movie in the God at the Box Office series. His was The Pursuit of Happyness. I haven't seen the movie but what I did see of it this weekend I need to go rent it. It was an excellent message. The rest of the day was full of other such fun events as well. I took JennO to Tunnicliff's for lunch and then we ran to Target for some quick pick ups. The best part of the whole day was when I met up with my friends Michelle and Amy and we headed up to the 930 club to see the David Crowder Band.
Talk about the most amazing time of my life!!!! A group called the Myriad started the concert and they were phenomenal. Then Phil Wickham played and I have found two new artists that I really love. Then by the time DCB got up there I was ready to sing some praise and worship myself instead of just listen to it. AND PRAISE GOD DCB invited everyone to sing along with them. It was amazing. I believe I experienced the Holy Spirit for the very first time. I have never felt so free to worship ever before and in such a public place. I almost literally felt the Holy Spirit come in and lift me up. IT was all I could do to not try and crawl up into Heaven with Him. It was amazing!!!
Okay this is taking awhile to type up so I'll post more later. God Bless. Oh yeah enjoy Veteran's day fr all you who get the day off.


Elizabeth said...

glad you had such a great weekend!

Lisa said...

So excited to hear about your HS experience. It has been so fun learning and growing with you this semester. Nothing like continuing to step out in faith to enrich our relationship with our God.