Monday, November 21, 2005

The weekend

Well this past week and weekend flew by like it never even happened. In class I had a research paper due by 2am MST Monday morning as well as a case study. I got the case study done in time and got the paper finally turned in by 2:30 AM EST. Then I had to be up for work at 5:30 AM and I must say I am totally running on adrenaline right now.

As for the weekend, I took the bus to Baltimore and met a friend from college to head to Scranton. We went to see another friend and her baby. We had a good time though we were all stressed. Jenn is a teacher and had to grade papers and work on lesson plans, Sarah is student teaching and had to work on lesson plans and I had my research paper to work on and the case study.

We got in around 8:30 PM Friday night and ended up staying up until midnight catching up and talking. Saturday I got myself in trouble with "the family." I have lived with the Boyles previously and have been adopted by "the family" as one of them. Well Sarah's cousin Jeneane was having a birthday party for her little girl Celia and Jenn and I were invited. We decided to not go as we both had so much work to do. We opted instead to head the Northern Lights cafe in downtown Scranton, that is owned by another friends father. Well anyway, when Jeneane found out that I was there and hadn't come she was upset with me. I felt so bad, but it is so hard to be able to do everything you want to do in the short amount of time you have. Well then I accidentally called Mama Boyles old, but it wasn't intentional. Cause she isn't old at all. Then I got myself in big trouble with the Smith's who are like my third family. I was supposed to spend some time with them this weekend and that fell through as well. I tell you, I need more me's and more time.

Well with the possibility of moving back there in a year, I will be visiting more often to look for a job and a place to live. So I know I can make it up to all those people. If any of you are reading this, please accept my apologies and know that I be back and see you.


Elizabeth said...

i had kindof wondered why you didn't call me or email or anything--but i guess i understand now :) i had a crappy week, a crappy weekend, and am now having another crappy week. oh well. life goes on and i guess i better keep going with it. but it would be really great if you could pray for me. good luck with finding a job in scranton.

kiltsandthistles said...

I am totally still praying for you and will be calling you tonight! I love you chica, keep your chin up!!