Friday, November 25, 2005

Turkey Day 2!!!!

Well, so Shrig and I cooked a 12 pound turkey. We also had green bean casserole, yams, asparagus, salad, rolls, stuffing, cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes. By the time we ate around 5:30PM we were so tired from cooking all day that we, barely ate anything. We were so stuffed so quickly that we ended up all taking a nap on the couches. We got up in time to see the Denver Broncos beat the Dallas Cowboys 24-21. I was very happy about, as I really don't like the Cowboys. So anyway, then we cleaned up and had german chocolate cake, pumkin pie and sweet potatoe pie. It was very good. Then I watched CSI and Without A Trace. Then we just hung out and talked. Shrig and I made plans for our trip into NYC tomorrow. We are going to leave here around 8 am and spend the entire day in the city. We are going to try to go to Seredipity 3 and Tiffany's. We don't have any definite plans but to have fun. It is going to be cold though so we will have to bundle up. Anyway. Good Night and hope everyone had a great time with family and friends this Thanksgiving. God Bless you all.


Elizabeth said...

finally ordered your christmas present! woo hoo!

kiltsandthistles said...

I have yours made and I just need to send it to you!!!