Thursday, December 01, 2005

Christmas is coming!!!

I can officially listen to Christmas music and be happy about it. :-) I really can't stand how Christmas has become so commercialized, so I don't listen to Christmas music or put up any decorations until after Thanksgiving and the first day of December.

It is just beginning to feel like winter down here in DC. It was 33 this morning when I got up, however I am still not wearing a coat yet because it isn't quite that cold. The sad thing is seeing all these people walking around bundled up like they are going through a freezing spell. I guess you get tough when you grow up in PA and live in NE PA where it starts snowing on Halloween.

So Christmas plans as of right now are:
Rent a car
Leave Dec. 23rd
Pick up PopPop
Head to State College
Last minute stocking stuffers buying
Christmas at Grandmum's
Recovery day
Take PopPop home and head back to DC
Then it's back to the old grind stone.

more to come....

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

i had to scrape 4 inches of snow off my car this morning--got soaked--it's 20 degrees--almost hit a car as i spun on the ice at an intersection...