Tuesday, December 06, 2005

door mat!

I have finally realized that I let myself be too much of a doormat. I found out this week that our newest receptionist in the line that replaced me is moving into consulting work. I AM REALLY PISSED OFF ABOUT THIS!! I mean I am excited for her because, being at the front desk gets very boring very quickly but it really ticks me off that I did the same job that she did and more for all the different BU's to try to get noticed and all I get, is moved into facilities doing basically more administrative work. Not only that, but because I so badly want to move into consulting, people know I will do what's necessary to prove that I can do it and they are beginning to take advantage of me and take me for granted. I will be really really really really really really upset if review, raise and bonus time comes and I don't get one I will be more than ready to quit my job.


Shrig said...

Oh, Dear. I'm so sorry to hear about this. :( I thought I had a lot to complain about.

Its a sad thing in this this society ( and probably all societies) that we are not recognized for our talents the way we should be. I konw you work hard and are ver good at what you do and there is no doubt in my mind that you deserve the job. The best advice I can give you is to just hang in there, kid. And you are a much better person for not hating the girl that did get the position that you wanted. I couldn't say I would do the same.

If you ever need anything, you know I'm always here for you.

I'll see you soon. And keep your chin up. Things will get better.

Love Always,

Shriggles :) :) :) :)

Elizabeth said...

hey, joyanna, i feel you, honey! my job hasn't been extremely fair either. but i love my coworkers which sortof makes up for it. so, at least be happy that you don't need a car to live in d.c. :) maybe God is slowly making things work out for you to move back to PA. hang in there!