Tuesday, December 06, 2005

door mat!

I have finally realized that I let myself be too much of a doormat. I found out this week that our newest receptionist in the line that replaced me is moving into consulting work. I AM REALLY PISSED OFF ABOUT THIS!! I mean I am excited for her because, being at the front desk gets very boring very quickly but it really ticks me off that I did the same job that she did and more for all the different BU's to try to get noticed and all I get, is moved into facilities doing basically more administrative work. Not only that, but because I so badly want to move into consulting, people know I will do what's necessary to prove that I can do it and they are beginning to take advantage of me and take me for granted. I will be really really really really really really upset if review, raise and bonus time comes and I don't get one I will be more than ready to quit my job.

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