Sunday, March 19, 2006


Well it has been some time since I last posted so I figure I better update everyone. The past week has been absolutely crazy. I was at work at 7am every morning and didn't leave until 6 or 6:30 pm. Then on Monday I had Aphla, Tuesday night I babysat, then Wednesday night was Bible study, Thursday night I actually got to go home, then Friday night I went to a friends house for a traditional Irish dinner. It was pretty good. I had never tried corned beef because the sound of it just make me sick but it is actually very good. So anyway, Saturday morning I was up at 9am to meet some friends for breakfast and then to work at the cafe at 5pm until 10:45 pm. Then Sunday was church and work from 3:45pm - 10:45pm. And now the new week coming up I have to be at work by 7am again. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I am so ready for a break. But my dad is coming to see me this weekend so I will be taking Friday off.

I also just cut my hair so it is no longer very long at all. I actually really like the new length. It is like I had it when I lived in Pittsburgh for those of you who know me and can remember. I am really happy with it and don't think that I will ever go back to long hair again. So anyway...I love working at the cafe. It is such a great atmosphere and the people I work with are really great. I met this one girl that we just hit right off and I think I have finally found some friends finally in DC and it really makes me happy. I knew that God could do it I just was struggling with how long it was taking Him to work His ways. I know that I have to do my part too so I also stepped up and started going out of my way to meet people. For those of you who know me that is a big deal for me. I am not a complete introvert but it does take a bit of an effort for me to stop out of my comfort zone and introduce myself to a whole new group of people. But anyways, God has truly blessed me and I have finally begun to have plans that take up any free time I might possibly have to hang out with good Christian friends. PRAISE GOD FOR HIS FAITHFULNESS!!!


Shrig said...

Hey dude!

Glad to see you finally posted. Things have been crazy up here too.

I'm glad you found friends that you can enjoy more locally. I know its been hard for you to meet people with your interests and faith.

Everything always works out in the end.

Elizabeth said...

I'm thrilled! And so's an answer to a big prayer of mine!

Shrig said...

you weren't on IM today and I missed you. :( hope your okay.

<3 u!

Elizabeth said...

Call me tonight! Sorry I've been so parents are here to visit.

Joyanna said...

Hey! You are the first person I know that has my name. I am sick with a sinus thing and I can't write much before I get dizzy, but I thought it funny that I just had corn beef for lunch. :)
I am very pleased to meet you and even more pleased that you are serving Jesus. We need more people if we are going to take over the world. :) *smiling*
Do you like/play piano? I wish I could boast of knowing my heritage, but I shall have to be content in boasting in my Savior like Paul. Mom says where mutts. A little of everything, but sons and daughters of the King.
Nice to meet you!