Friday, June 15, 2007


I chopped off my hair on Wednesday night and I absolutely LOVE the result! It is so short, easy to care for and refreshing.

Today I finally paid off enough on my school loans to break under 12,000. I am so excited. While I was paying on them between school, it felt like all I was doing was paying interest and I wasn't seeing a reduction in the overall at all. Since being in school and getting my new job I have decided to continue paying on the loans though they are in forebearance. Because of this I am paying on the principal and not the interest and actually starting to see a reduction in how much I owe! I LOVE IT!! It makes me feel like there is hope and someday it WILL all be paid off. Yippee!!!!!!!!!!


Elisabeth said...

and congrats on the loans....I SO understand! We'll get there someday!

Shrig said...

Student loans...


Jenna said...

It is nice when you feel like you are starting to break free...we have a lot of loans too.

Like your new haircut! :)

Elizabeth said...

You went curly!!! I'm so glad :)