Thursday, May 17, 2007

How big is your God?

We finally finished the last night of our small group going through the book, If You Want to Walk on Water, You have to get out of the Boat. The last chapter discussed how big is our God. It talks about worship and how our lives are to be worship, that what we do on Sunday at church is only a small part of what worship is. I really appreciated this excerpt from the book.

"We are to worship God, not because His ego needs it, but because without worship, our experience and enjoyment of God are not complete. We worship God not so much because He needs it, but because we do.

I need to worship. I need to worship because without it I can forget that I have a Big God beside me and live in fear. I need to worship because without it I can forget his calling and begin to live in a spirit of self-preoccupation. I need to worship because without it I lose a sense of wonder and gratitude and plod through life with blinders on. I need to worship because my natural tendency is toward self-reliance and stubborn independence."

I need to worship because without it I have forgotten Who takes care of me and gives me the will to live each day.

And on the subject of getting out of the boat...I now have a one year plan to get to Scotland by June 1st, 2008. Here is the plan..


One year plan -- June 1st 2008

$750 for plane ticket
Sarah's baby 10/2007
Janis' Wedding 4/5/08
Getting Fia to Scotland
Storage for all other items
Finding a church
Obtain Ancestry visa
Finding job to pay bills
Save $5,000 for vital living expenses

Box and Ship
Start back 6/2007
By August 30th 2007
Enjoy the experience
Enjoy the experience
Purchase cat carrier, and get tranq from vet, research rules and comply
Rent space near folks in PA May 2008
Pray, check out Eikon and other churches in the area
Begin push on May 22nd, and get Grandmum's birth certificate
start search Feb/Mar 08, talk to Walden and the possibility of an internship
Save $500 a month beginning June 07


Shrig said...

is it in the plan that shrig goes with you to help you move? not that shrig wants you to move, but it would sure be fun moving, huh?

Elisabeth said...

What awesome goals/plans. I'll be praying with you to that end. "Walking on water..." was one of those lifechanging books for me.... sometimes I get so preoccupied with the end result or what others will think, that I don't take those risks.
Keep risking- HE has is all worked out.

Ms. Genevieve said...

What a wonderful and amazing idea! How brave you are! Know that your goals are in my prayers.

You rock!

xo genevieve

Elizabeth said...

um, whoa....

Meredith said...

So... this week is VISA app week. I'll be checking on you. ;) It's great that you've written this down somewhere public. We (your admiring fans) can hold you accountable to your timeline!