Wednesday, May 03, 2006

You know sometimes I wonder how God can be so patient and forgiving. Doesn't He ever get tired of me being a selfish brat? I mean I get tired of myself. Yet He still gives me a new day with a new chance to be what He wants me to be. I was thinking about this because I have been really making an effort to surrender myself to Him every morning. So far He continues to keep me in His palm and remind me to do it everyday. Not that by so far He would ever stop, it's more like I would stop. The next step I need to make is to take time every day and get to know Him more through studying His word and heartfelt prayer. I never realized how hard it is to make time everyday. Especially when you are working two jobs, grad school, soccer, softball and trying to have a life. When do I find the time? I thought about doing it in the morning but my alarm already goes off and 5:30 am every morning and there is no way I could get up any early than that and have a productive day. At night I usually get home and do homework, watch tv and try to wind down for the day. I know that this would be the best time to do it, but...

I need to just cut the crap and the excuses and do it. Nothing is more important than getting to know my Father more. How can I live a life that Glorify's Him if I am not even getting to know what it is that He likes and is?

Thank you to all my friends who daily prayer for me and love me know matter what I do or say. Also thank you for your prayers regarding housing. Hyla and I have decided that we are 99.5% sure that I will be moving in, June 1st. I am really excited!!!

I love you Beth and am so stinkin happy that God has blessed you with such a wonderful man!!!!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

i love you too! i am really encouraged by the things you've been writing lately. don't stop!

so, you and hyla gonna move in together? i looked at her website...because i always have to check out all your friends :)