Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Iowa con't...

So it is now Wednesday, two and a half days and counting till the wedding. I have been eating salads and chicken all week. I can't wait for the reception when I can have something sweet.

So, Sunday, I went to Beth and Luke's church. Two people as I entered with her asked me if I was her mother!!!! DO I REALLY LOOK THAT OLD!?!?!?! How depressing. It was a great church though. They meet in the gymnasium of a local Christian school. The sermon was great, did I mention that Luke's dad is the Pastor and that Luke leads the worship? So anyway, the sermon was about how we have our own personal lie detector the Holy Spirit, according to 1 John. It was great though I had a bit of a hard time focusing cause I was exhausted. After church they had a potluck dinner for a couple in the church who where leaving. It was very good. Then Beth and I headed back to the apartment to prepare for our day of just us. Oh yeah, I had scheduled massages and hand massages for the two of us at a spa, only to find out Sunday morning while checking for directions that I had gotten the cities wrong. I had thought the place said it was in Des Moines when it was actually in Iowa City. That is a 2 hour drive and neither of us were up for that. So we headed to the mall to see about going to a nail place and getting mani's and pedi's.

We got sort of lost on the way to the mall but not so bad that we could recover and turn around. When we finally got to the mall, we went to payless to exchange my shoes for my dress and then we hit up Vicky's and Dillard's. Then we grabbed a bite to eat and realized that the mall was closing around us. To say none the least this was very frustrating. I had really wanted to do this for her and had failed miserably. So instead we went to Barnes and Nobles and did a little shopping and reading and enjoyed reminiscing about the past and the fun things we had done. It was great!!! Barnes and Noble is our place. We hung out there till almost nine and then hit Walmart with some errands and headed home. I think we finally got to bed around 11 or 12 pm.

Monday was spent doing errands. I went grocery shopping while Beth tried to go into work, however she realized she just couldn't pay attention to what she needed to be doing. So she ended up taking the whole week off. Beth's parents stopped by that evening and her Mum went to get her hair cut. It looks really nice and she is excited about the wedding. She made Beth and Luke this very beautiful quilt. Yes you heard me right, her Mother made the quilt. It is very pretty and she did an excellent job. I think we got to bed around the same time that night as well.

Tuesday was another errand day. Beth stopped by work to show Valarie the ropes and then we were on our way to more errands. That afternoon we went out to Beth's Grandparents to see her Mum's wedding clothes and her sister Jenny came in. She drove all the way from Grand Rapids, MI to Ankeny, IA without any air conditioning. All I got to say is got some respect for that girl. Beth and I left there around 4pm to run back to the apartment with a quick stop at the tanner's, to get ready for her "other" bridal shower that evening.

The bridal shower was fabulous. Her friends Linda and Valarie put it on and did such a marvelous job. They decorated with live wildflowers cut from her yard and made the kitchen into and English tea garden. It was absolutely lovely. I'll add pictures and more later. I really need to take a nap now.


Amy Bushatz said...

:-) miss you

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