Thursday, July 20, 2006

Time to say good-bye

It is actually now currently my last day as I did not get this posted yesterday like I wanted. We are all going to lunch today at CPK and then I will be heading out. How sad and yet happy I am. Tomorrow morning I leave bright and early for Iowa to spend the week helping my Best Friend Beth with any last minute wedding plans. I am so excited. I haven't seen in her in forever.

I have one day left at my old job and I am very thrilled. Tonight is our company's All-Hands meeting and my last chance to say good-bye to some of the friends I have made over the two years I was employed here. I absolutely look forward to the new opportunities coming my way and the very clear career change and career choice I have made. The hardest part though is always saying good-bye.

I know that this won't be the last time I see many of these folks because they are my friends and we always have happy hours, birthdays, weekend treks to the park and so on. It will be different though going to a new place where I don't know anyone at all and will not really get the chance to know too many people.

It's funny how distinct changes in your lifestyle and life path make you stop and think. What have I really done and learned over these past two years? How have these two years shaped who I am today? What will I take with me that will always be remember as being what Touchstone imprinted into my core? Is this where I expected to be?


Elizabeth said...

I CAN'T WAIT!!!! I can't begin to express my joy and relief that by tomorrow around lunch time, I will have a friend and a support to help me get through this last week. And I'm determined to enjoy it with you!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.