Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I’m home…or am I?

They say that home is where your heart is…well if that’s true then I am here in the States for an extended visit. I’ve always known that I belonged in Scotland. I’ve grown up dreaming of nothing but, I’ve written poems and anthems to that affect since I was old enough to write, the large portion of my library is Scottish history and info. Why did I have to come back here?

My heart aches every time I think about home. I want to cry all the time. I don’t want to be here in the States. I know this is not where God intended me to be. I want to go HOME!!!!!


Elizabeth said...

Hey there, girly! I think God intends you to be right where you are...if He wanted you to already live in Scotland, He would have taken you there sooner to realize that was what you needed to do. Just enjoy this time of looking forward to the future...I found that one of my favorite things to do is to dream of the future...of things I hope for :)

Cynthia said...

HEY THERE! Thanks for posting a comment- always fun keeping up with college friends... I read your post and must say, I can relate, some- it's always hard being somewhere when you are wishing and longing for somewhere else. You know me- I love Brazil-but being here made me realize how much I love the USA too! God is challenging me to keep my eyes open to see HIS blessings in my everyday life- to be aware of HIS goodness and not overlook it! You know, I think I focus so much on what I WISH i were doing or where I WISH i were going.. that I forget to soak in all of the blessings around me. So, I have 3 more months here in Brazil- I am longing for the USA- kinda funny, if I were to think about it.. but, I am- and I am focusing in on just ENJOYING GOD where HE has me- because obviously HE wants me to learn something-:) well, keep me posted on life-

Kate said...

Ya know, on the bright side, at least your not in some awful country like Iraq... I know the desire to move, even if I just want to go to Michigan instead of Ohio lol! God will move you when its time - He got you there once right?

Elizabeth said...

katie is going to Iraq, JoyAnna. We need to pray for her and for Joe.

Anonymous said...


Shrig said...

Hey darling.

Don't rush it so much. Remember that you have a lot of friends here that adore you and aren't ready to let go so fast. But at least we would all have a reason to head to Scotland. :)

However, I can't say that I blame you for wanting to get out ot here. I've been wanting to get out since about middle school. That feeling hasen't changed. I feel like I just....don't belong....

Someday darling, your dreams will come true.

Monte Erwin said...

I saw your comment on evotional and was intrigued by the name kiltsandthistles. I come from Scottish heritage as well. Have two homesteads in Scotland that go way back in history: Drum Castle, in Aberdeenshire, and Bonshaw Tower in the south, near Kirtlebridge. Both are of the Irving, Irwin clans. Scotland is one of my favorite places to travel and see--feel very much at home.

I fully relate to what you're feeling. We were missionaries in Latvia for six years and loved the people and the place with all of our hearts. We had to return due to circumstances beyond our control. I hated my life here after returning and grieved for over two years--sometimes still do. But God has opened other doors and took me by the hand and led me through them. He is faithful when we're hurting and don't understand the "why's" of our circumstances. Don't give up on dreaming. When you're walking with Him the dreams you have are often the dreams He has given you and intends to fulfill.

Monte Erwin said...

BTW--I am a Bible study editor for Student Life. I just began working on a lesson coming from Acts 16--The Macedonian call. This was one of the learning goals: "To understand that obstacles can indicate God’s desire to do something new." Interesting based on what I had only a few moments posted on your blog.