Wednesday, September 06, 2006


How sweet that word sounds rolling off my tongue. Not just a weekend away but a real honest to goodness vacation where I can think of nothing else but myself and the utter joy I am experiencing. I mean I am talking no cell phone and only answering e-mail if I want to. I will be blogging about my trip everyday but I won’t really have any contact with the States, it will be kind of nice. Now I know that sounds so utterly selfish but in a way I feel I deserve it.

  • I worked my rear off at my old job in order to earn enough paid time off so that I would still get paid and get to go on this trip. The stinky thing is that they didn’t appreciate me and I had to leave for a better job with less PTO and the pay-out for that saved time from the old job helped cover the week that I took off between jobs.
  • My vacation between jobs, though it was a week long was not a vacation in the sense of relaxing, think only of me one. Not that it was bad, in no way was it a terrible week, in fact besides going to Scotland, it was one of the greatest weeks of my life. I got to spend an entire week doing what I love with one of my best friends. I got to serve her by helping with all her last minute wedding details. It was great, I loved it, though I do regret I have only one picture of the two of us and it isn’t even in our dresses. What a bummer!!
  • For the past couple of months since moving in our apartment has been affectionately known as Hostel 310. We have had people living with us since August. Now I am not complaining about this either, because God gave us the place and we have a duty to give as we are able and if someone needs a place to stay we’ll offer since it is God’s place not ours. However on the flip side, it is a little tiring to go home and have to “entertain” because you have guests and really shouldn’t go hide in your room.
  • So those are some of my reason that I feel that I “deserve” to be a little selfish about thinking nothing of anything else but how much I am going to enjoy this trip. I must note though that I do realize that I would not be getting this opportunity if it weren’t for the Grace of God and the many prayers of all my friends. I know that I will definitely enjoy my time in another country, marveling at God’s magnificent creation.

You know, I realized that sometimes I tend to think that the US is all there is because it is the only thing I know. I mean I have been to Canada, but that is attached to the US so I didn’t leave the continent. I have also been to Bermuda, which is like a little slice of Britain in the Atlantic Ocean off the US. Yet again though it is still too close and you don’t need a passport to go there, just a birth certificate. I mean I am actually leaving the United States of America and stepping foot in not one but two different countries. I will be landing in Amsterdam first for a short layover before heading on to Glasgow.

Kind of stinky things though:

  • missing almost the entire series of my Pastor’s Billboard series.
  • missing the first two games of my football teams season.
  • missing almost the entire first month of my small groups.
    (Stage Left, Alpha, and a couple of other ones I want to do that I can’t think of off the top of my head.)
  • missing my friends immensely as I have finally begun to form close friendships.
  • missing a possible trip to Philly where I haven’t been since I was a child.

Now these are almost all such trivial matters when compared to the big picture of finally achieving a dream I have had since I was five years old. I can always go to Philly another time and as for the football games, I can check on them online. I think it is the spiritual and friendship aspect that I will actually miss the most. I didn’t realize how much I was getting fed by talking with my friends and through Pastor Mark’s messages and my small groups.

more later…


Elizabeth said...

Isn't it funny how we don't actually realize what we'll miss until we achieve our dreams? we want them so bad, and then they come and we think, wow, i'm gonna miss that (whatever "that" may be). i'm terribly excited for you...i will be reading your blog faithfully for updates and pictures :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Woman!

It's so good to hear from you again, even if it is right before you skip town!! I am so happy for you that you are finally going on this trip!! I can't wait to see the pics!! Love, Amy N.

mike said...

I'll try and remember to give you updates on the Pats from a true fan so you don't just get the bias news report. :) Have a great trip!