Friday, October 28, 2005

What is this world coming too?

On my way to work this morning I was hit with the realization that at anytime Christ could come back and the world as we know it would end.

When we ride the Metro here in D.C. we are given a free condensed version of the Washington Post. I was reading through the articles when I came across one that really got me thinking about the end of the world and where I stand.

Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be "wiped off the map" claiming that a new wave of Palestinian attacks "will wipe this stigma from the face of the Islamic world." I always new the end times where in the future but I never really thought about the possiblity of it happening in my life time. I guess no one ever does, they look forward to the rapture but they just hope that it will happen to the next generation and not theirs.

Biblically to attempt to utterly destroy Israel, God's chosen people/nation, is to bring on the end of the world. God will never allow His chosen one's to be destroyed. I almost felt like I was reading the first chapter of one of those left behind books. However it made me think about my life and how I am living it now and how I can make a difference. (more to come...)


Elizabeth said...

wow, doesn't it almost take away all our desire to be materialistic and worldly? sometimes it reminds me that i'm living in a cushy apartment with a cushy job and the things that we spend so much time worrying about are soooo unimportant. time flies!

by the way, i'm eating my scottish candybar at work right now. :) that means i'm depressed!!! (ha!)

Shrig said...

ouch, this is a little dark for you, isn't it? always the optimistic one you are, but that's okay. i will be today.

i don't think that anything is going to come of this. ( i read the same article in the NYT). someimes i can't help but think that people say these things to get attention, because they do know what it means and its meant to grab some spotlight and be threatening at the same time. and you also know where i stand on this issue, but i just wanted to cheer you up a bit. :)

hun, we will live long healthy lives before we see stuff like this happending.

however, we do need to live for the day. you are right about that.

Carpe Diem!

luv u!!!!

Shrig said...

sorry about my nasty spelling

Elizabeth said...

you bum!!! what's the point of having a blog if you never write on it! this is serious...not just a passing fancy. i'm going crazy seeing "what is this world coming to?" all the time. come on girl!