Friday, April 28, 2006

stringin me along

I sometimes wonder if God likes to play pranks on His children and string them along. (the rambling thoughts of a desperate woman)

As you all know I am desperately trying to get out of the bad living situation that I am in. I would ultimately prefer to live on my own but if that doesn't work then I would want to live with only one person. I can't handle living with a couple of girls again, what with the hormones, mood swings and many different senses of interior design. I also won't do the guy roommate thing ever again because they are slobs!!!!!!! Sorry to all you unique gentlemen out there who actually clean. (I LUV U BRO!!!)

So anyway...I thought I had kinda found a place with a friend from the Church I attend. However there are some strings that God keeps droppin in the way and I kinda feel like HE likes doing it. So I have a cat because, well you know us single women, (well at least me), I needed some sort of companionship to come home too. So yeah, this place is a great two bedroom apartment near where I work in the evenings and to the red line metro which would put me right at work. It is with a great person who has actually been living alone for some time and isn't sure about the whole roommate thing either and it is decently priced and in an okay neighborhood.

Here's the string though, we aren't "allowed" to have pets. However there are many cats and dogs in the building because the rule is not enforced and as long as the landlord doesn't see anything when you finally leave then they don't say anything.

Well the thing is, do I do the "right" thing and obey the landlord and keep searching or do I do what everyone else has done and just move in anyway and keep Fia clean? I mean she is a clean cat as it is, she knows where her litter box is and hasn't made any messes since I have had her. She is a generally quiet and relaxed cat and when she gets fixed in May she'll be even better.

Why can't God just let me find a place, I mean I am trying to do the right thing in getting my life back on track for Him but... I mean I know He wants us to trust Him and maybe He is testing me, I just wish He wouldn't test me in this area because I am in a terrible situation that I really must get out of.

I just can't win can I!! What would you have me do Lord? I mean I know I just begged you to give me the peace of mind and heart that so many of my friends have found, but is this really the way to do it? Please help me out here... I need out really bad, I can't handle this situation anymore!!!


Shrig said...

Hmm...I say keep the cat. If the landlord isn't saying anything, and as long as Fia is quiet and knows where her litter box is, who's the wiser? That's the way it is here as well. People have cats, but as long as no one hears them, its cool. Like I said, who's to know?

As far as finding a place to live on your own, its cool that your finding a roomie who is like you, it'll be eaiser to get along with. Just see it not as living with yet another roomie, but a possible friend. You never know dude.

It also seems that most of us are in a time in our lives where we're still working out a lot of details, we know what we want, its simply a matter of getting there.

you'll get there. no worries.

better get back to work. :)

kiltsandthistles said...

Thanks Shriggles!

Elizabeth said...

i know how you feel. sometimes it seems like "God...i really really really need a break!".

hang in there.

i'm reading this book, and i would really like for you to get a copy and read it. it isn't very long, and i think you would be incredibly challenged and encouraged by it. It's called Back to Jerusalem by Hattaway. check it out, okay?

i love you, mi amiga muy bonita y un poco loca!

you know something funny? i still always picture you in my mind with red hair!!!

we need to go traipsing!